Participants invited for their last trial appointment

Participant and trial nurse outside an NHS-Galleri trial mobile clinic

Thousands of volunteers taking part in the NHS-Galleri trial have started receiving invitations to book their last of three appointments for the trial. 

The NHS-Galleri trial is looking into the use of a new blood test to see if it can help the NHS to detect cancer early when used alongside existing cancer screening. 

After the trial, we will have a much better understanding of how well the test works in the NHS. If the test works, it could be offered by the NHS in the future to screen for many types of cancer, alongside existing bowel, breast and cervical cancer screening programmes.

Booking a third trial appointment

When it is time to book their third (24 month) appointment, participants will be sent a letter with details of how to book online or by telephone. People who need help at their appointment, such as an interpreter or help to access the mobile clinic, can let the trial team know when they book. 

Over the coming year, mobile clinics will return to the areas across England where the trial is taking place. The clinics will usually be in each area for a few weeks. 

Participants who missed their appointment last year can still attend this year. However, people who have been treated for cancer since their last appointment may not need to attend a third appointment. This is because this trial is for people who do not have cancer. 

People who do not need to attend another appointment will remain an important part of the trial. This is because information about their health will still be collected from the NHS to help with the research. 

Professor Charles Swanton, Co-Chief Investigator for the NHS-Galleri trial, said: The information gathered from these last appointments is important to support trial results. We thank all volunteers for supporting the trial.

Testing samples taken about 12 months apart will help researchers understand how regularly people might need to be tested with the Galleri® blood test in the future.”

What happens next

After their 24 month appointment, people taking part in the NHS-Galleri trial will not be asked to attend any more appointments. However, participants will still be an important part of the trial. 

This is because information about their health will still be collected from the NHS to help with the trial. 

Participants may have also agreed for their blood samples to be used in future research to further improve the test, as well as to develop and improve other tests and see how well they work. 

Participants can ask for the sharing of health information or the storage of blood samples for future research to stop at any time, and do not have to give a reason why. Participants cannot be identified from any of this information. 

If early trial results are promising, the NHS may decide to offer up to one million tests in England as part of a pilot to screen for cancer, alongside existing national cancer screening programmes.

Once the results of the trial are available, these will be shared publicly. Often this is in a science journal, press release or on the trial website. Results are likely to be ready in 2026 but may take longer.