Two women playing tennis together
A senior man in his allotment showing off his home grown vegetables with his son

The NHS-Galleri trial is looking into the use of the Galleri® blood test to see if it can help the NHS to detect cancer early when it is usually easier to treat.

Over 140,000 volunteers aged 50 to 77 have registered to take part in the trial after receiving an invitation letter from the NHS. 

Registration is closed

The NHS-Galleri trial is not accepting new participants at this time — registration is closed.

Thank you for taking part in the NHS-Galleri trial. Without your support, the trial would not be possible.

Find out how the NHS-Galleri trial took place.

Trial appointments

As a participant in the NHS-Galleri trial, you have been invited to three appointments over two years, about 12 months apart.

Blood is collected from people up to three times in the trial, at their first, second and third appointments. These appointments are about 12 months apart.

Your third (24 month) appointment was your last appointment for the NHS-Galleri trial. Even though you will not be asked to attend any more appointments, you will still be an important part of the trial. This is because information about your health will still be shared by the NHS to help with the trial.

Also, your blood samples may be used for other research in the future. You cannot be identified from this information.

What happens after your last trial appointment

Changing your mind

You can change your mind about taking part at any point during the trial. There are no consequences, and you do not have to give a reason why. 

You can tell the trial team if you no longer want to take part. Any information and samples that have already been collected will be kept and used. 

Contact the trial team